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United States 1st Infantry (Union)


Leadership Change - Regiment - Captain Joseph B. Plummer


Battle - Wilson's Creek - Green County, Missouri; Christian County, Missouri

Wilson's Creek
Wilson's Creek

In the summer of 1861, the Union and the Confederacy struggled for control of Missouri. Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Lyon Army of the West was camped at Springfield, Missouri, with Confederate troops under the command of Brig. Gen. Ben McCulloch and Maj. Gen. Sterling Price approaching.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Captain George A. Williams


Battle - Island Number Ten - New Madrid, Missouri; Lake County, Tennessee

Island Number Ten
Island Number Ten

In addition to prosecuting the coastal blockade and pursuing Confederate commerce raiders, the U.S. Navy's other main role in the Civil War, and arguably its most important one, was seizing and controlling the Mississippi River and its tributaries. In this effort, the main obstacle was not the tiny Confederate navy, but rather the formidable shore fortifications erected by the Confederates along the banks of the Tennessee, Cumberland and Mississippi Rivers. This war, therefore, was less often a matter of s…READ MORE


Battle - Siege of Corinth - Corinth, Mississippi

Siege of Corinth
Siege of Corinth

Union forces had captured the railroad junction and important transportation center at Corinth, Mississippi in the spring of 1862 after their victory at Shiloh. After the Battle of Iuka in September, Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's Confederate Army of the West marched to Ripley, Mississippi where it joined Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn's Army of West Tennessee. Van Dorn took command of the combined force numbering about 22,000 men. The Rebels marched southeast toward Corinth, hoping to recapture it and then sweep int…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Captain Levi C. Bootes


Leadership Change - Brigade - Major Charles S. Lovell


Battle - Antietam - Sharpsburg, Maryland


The Army of the Potomac, under the command of Maj. Gen. George McClellan, mounted a series of powerful assaults against General Robert E. Lee's forces along Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17th, 1862.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant Justin E. Dimick


Leadership Change - Brigade - Captain James E. Smith


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant James A. Sanderson, and Lieutenant Justin E. Dimick


Leadership Change - Brigade - Captain Thomas W. Osborn


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant Justin E. Dimick


Leadership Change - Division - Major General Hiram Berry

Major GeneralHiram Berry


Battle - Vicksburg - Vicksburg, Mississippi


In mid-May, 1863, after six months of unsuccessful attempts, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Tennessee finally converged on Vicksburg, defended by a Confederate army under Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton. Capture of the Mississippi River town was critical to Union control of the strategic river. Vicksburg was located on a high river bluff defended with artillery, and Pemberton's men had constructed a series of fortifications in an 8-mile arc surrounding the city on the landward side. After crossing the…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Captain William M. Graham


Leadership Change - Brigade - Captain James M. Robertson


Leadership Change - Brigade - Captain Dunbar R. Ransom


Leadership Change - Batteries - Lieutenant Chandler P. Eakin


Leadership Change - Brigade - Captain Dunbar R. Ransom


Leadership Change - Brigade - Captain Samuel S. Elder


Leadership Change - Brigade - Lieutenant Colonel Freeman McGilvery

Lieutenant ColonelFreeman McGilvery


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel John Henry Holman


Leadership Change - Brigade - Lieutenant Colonel Richard H. Jackson

Lieutenant ColonelRichard H. Jackson


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant Colonel Giles H. Rich

Lieutenant ColonelGiles H. Rich


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Elias Wright


Battle - Second Fort Fisher - New Hanover County, North Carolina

Second Fort Fisher
Second Fort Fisher

By January 1865, Fort Fisher on the North Carolina shore was the last coastal stronghold of the Confederacy. The fort protected blockade running vessels entering and departing Wilmington, the South's last open seaport on the Atlantic coast. Maj. Gen. Alfred Terry was placed in command of a Provisional Corps from the Army of the James, and was supported by a Navy and Marine Corps force of nearly 60 vessels under Rear Adm. David D. Porter. Terry's orders were to renew operations against the fort that had fai…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant Chandler P. Eakin

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