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Indiana 46th Infantry (Union)


Organized - Indiana 46th Infantry - Indiana


Battle - Island Number Ten - New Madrid, Missouri; Lake County, Tennessee

Island Number Ten
Island Number Ten

In addition to prosecuting the coastal blockade and pursuing Confederate commerce raiders, the U.S. Navy's other main role in the Civil War, and arguably its most important one, was seizing and controlling the Mississippi River and its tributaries. In this effort, the main obstacle was not the tiny Confederate navy, but rather the formidable shore fortifications erected by the Confederates along the banks of the Tennessee, Cumberland and Mississippi Rivers. This war, therefore, was less often a matter of s…READ MORE


Battle - Saint Charles - Arkansas County, Arkansas


Battle - Port Gibson - Claiborne County, Mississippi

Port Gibson
Port Gibson

On April 30, 1863, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's army crossed the Mississippi River at Bruinsburg, 30 miles south of his objective of Vicksburg. Grant hoped to move east toward the capital at Jackson to block the Confederate army there under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston from reinforcing Vicksburg. Port Gibson, ten miles east of Bruinsburg on the Bayou Pierre River, commanded the best approach routes and was the first Federal objective. A Confederate force there was commanded by Maj. Gen. John S. Bowen. Grant's A…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel Thomas H. Bringhurst


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General George F. McGinnis

Brigadier GeneralGeorge F. McGinnis


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General Alvin P. Hovey

Brigadier GeneralAlvin P. Hovey


Battle - Champion Hill - Hinds County, Mississippi

Champion Hill
Champion Hill

The Battle of Champion Hill was the largest and bloodiest action of Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign.READ MORE


Battle - Vicksburg - Vicksburg, Mississippi


In mid-May, 1863, after six months of unsuccessful attempts, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Tennessee finally converged on Vicksburg, defended by a Confederate army under Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton. Capture of the Mississippi River town was critical to Union control of the strategic river. Vicksburg was located on a high river bluff defended with artillery, and Pemberton's men had constructed a series of fortifications in an 8-mile arc surrounding the city on the landward side. After crossing the…READ MORE


Battle - Mansfield - DeSoto Parish, Louisiana


The Red River Campaign of 1864 was one General-in-Chief Ulysses S. Grant's initiatives to apply simultaneous pressure on Confederate armies along five separate fronts from Louisiana to Virginia. In addition to defeating the defending Confederate army, the campaign sought to confiscate cotton stores from plantations along the river and to give support to pro-Union governments in Louisiana. By early April, Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks' Union army was about 150 miles up the Red River threatening Shreveport. C…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Indiana 46th Infantry - Indiana

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