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Death Camps ~ Page 2

Source Documents

Source Website
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
Image16 Oct 2011
US, Census - Federal, 1930
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
Image30 Sept 2008
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
Subject14 Oct 2011

Source URLs

liberation of Mauthausen
Lt. General Dmitry Mikhaelovich Karbyshev
Franz Ziereis
Gusen II
story that he told reporters on May 11, 2009
Hartheim Castle
gas chamber
Gusen 1 sub-camp
Hans Marsalek
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
liberating the Gusen sub-camp
Bert Schapelhouman
Mauthausen concentration camp case
Hans Marsalek
Hungarian Jews
Mauthausen concentration camp
debriefing statement
Nuremberg International Military Tribunal
debriefing session on May 30, 1945
The Neu Synagogue in Posen
German troops occupy Poznan/Posen
Police decode regarding Globocnik
Swastika outside the administration building in Zabikowo
Jewish forced labor team from Zabikowo
Jews at the Rawicz camp near Posen
Memorial to the Jews killed in the Posen Camps
The Lutherplatz in the town of Nordhausen
Entrance to the tunnels at Nordhausen
Tunnel - A One of the two parallel tunnels
Section of V2 rocket being constructed at Dora-Mittelbau
Dead & dying prisoners found at Nordhausen
Bodies laid out for mass burial at Dora-Mittelbau
Sixteen of the nineteen defendants on trial for war crimes at Dora-Mittelbau
Picturesque village where Flossenbürg would be erected
Karl Fritzsch
Map of Flossenburg with SS logo, shows the overall location and top and side views of the tunnels proposed for aircraft assembly
Early jet prototypes tested at Arado
Cover to a report on the Quarry atFlossenbürg
Inmates labour at the quarry in Flossenbürg
Forced to perform exhaustive Labour on starvation rations
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Partial view of Flossenbürg and Quarry
German civilians forced to view the bodies of those murdered at Flossenbürg
Post war burial of Jewish prisoners who died at Flossenbürg
The original camp entrance at Gross-Rosen
Karl Babor
Arthur Rödl
Prisoners constructing Gross-Rosen
Barrack No. 40 at Gross-Rosen
Gross-Rosen quarry
Remnants of the Gross-Rosen crematorium at liberation
Remnants of the Gross-Rosen crematorium as it stands today
Ash pit of the victims of  Gross-Rosen
The main gate at Natzweiler-Struthof
View of the barracks at Natzweiler-Struthof before their destruction in 1954
Entrance to an underground factory at Natzweiler
In August 1943 a gas chamber was installed in this building at Natzweiler-Struthof
Professor August Hirt dissecting murdered prisoners
Interior of the gas chamber at Natzweiler
Prisoner forced march from Natzweiler-Struthof
SS staff on parade at Neuengamme
Neuengamme concentration camp. On the left is the camp brick factory
SS officers at Neuengamme
Prisoners laboring at Neuengamme
A Jewish child is forced to show where SS physicians removed his lymph nodes
Tuberculosis experiment at Neuengamme
Remains of the 
Bullenhuser Damm School in 1945
Prisoners from Neuengamme at forced labor build the Dove-Elbe
Neuengamme Memorial
Prisoners return from forced labor to Sachsenhausen
Anton Kaindl
Plan of Sachsenhausen
Jews arrested during Kristallnacht
German political prisoners arrive at Sachsenhausen
Forced Labor at Sachsenhausen
Inmate letter from Sachsenhausen
Sachsenhausen guard tower & barracks
Prisoner Roll-Call at Sachsenhausen
Brickworks at the Klinker-Grossziegelwerke
A counterfeit £5 note forged by the Jewish Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp prisoners
Female prisoner of Sachsenhausen
War trials report of Allied Airmen executed at Sachsenhausen
Prisoners from Sachsenhausen on a death march to Crivitz
The "Death Gate" at Stutthof
Plan for the Stuffhof Camp
Max Pauly
Polish prisoners labor to build the camp at Stutthof
Row of Barracks at Stutthof
The Stutthof Concentration Camp
Himmler tours Stutthof
Himmler views the Rabbit cage at Stutthof
Wall carvings made by prisoners at Stutthof
Fence & watchtower at Stuffhof
A report testifies that 27.5 kg of hair were collected and disinfected at Stutthof
Naked prisoners executed at Stutthof
Table on which autopsies were performed at Stutthof
Post war photo of the Gallows at Stutthof
Medical table where sick prisoners were given lethal heart injections of phenol
Post war photo of skulls displayed near Zylon B cannisters at Stutthof
The door of the Stutthof Gas Chamber
Crematorium Ovens at Stutthof
Mountain of shoes from victims at Stutthof
Himmler speaks with senior staff on a visit to Stutthof
Paul Werner Hoppe
Post war hanging of female SS guards at Stutthof
Memorial to the victims & survivors of Stutthof
Row of barracks in the Terezin Concentration Camp
German Guards at Terezin 1940
Arrival of  transport to Terezin
Jews headed for Terezin
View from inside the prisoners quarters
Inmates at Terezin
Guards at Terezin
German guards from Prague
Montage of images related to Westerbork
Map of Westerbork
Albert Gemmeker
Westerbork Prisoners
Arrival at Westerbork
Sample of Westerbork Currency
sample 2
Post Card from an inmate at Westerbork
Departing Westerbork
Watchtowers at the Vught Transit camp
Karl Chmielewski
Letter from Mayor ofHertogenbusch discussing status of Jews & property
Vught Gallows outside the Crematorium
Adam Grunewald
Vught prisoners in transit
Gate outside of Vught
newspaper article
Today's Local News
Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp
Kaufering sub-camps
Miriam Schwarcz Rosenthal