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Index record for

BONNER, Charles George

UK, Soldiers Awards from the London Gazette, 1898-1944

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Fold3_Team  ·  31 Oct 2023

Gazette Information: GAZETTE ISSUE 30363, VICTORIA CROSS,: Honours for services in action with enemy submarines. The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned for services in action with enemy submarines:- Lieutenant Charles George Bonner, D.S.C., Royal Naval Reserve. GAZETTE ISSUE 31021, VICTORIA CROSS,: Admiralty, 20th November 1918. With reference to announcements of the award of the Victoria Cross to naval officers and men for services in action with enemy submarines, the following are the accounts of the actions for which these awards were made:- Action of HMS “Dunraven” on the 8th August 1917. On the 8th August 1917, HMS “Dunraven,” under the command of Captain Gordon Campbell, V.C., D.S.O., Royal Navy, sighted an enemy submarine on the horizon. In her rôle of armed British merchant ship, the “Dunraven” continued her zig-zag course, whereupon the submarine closed, remaining submerged to within 5,000 yards, and then, rising to the surface, opened fire. The “Dunraven” returned the fire with her merchant ship gun, at the same time reducing speed to enable the enemy to overtake her. Wireless signals were also sent out for the benefit of the submarine: “Help! Come quickly – submarine chasing and shelling me.” Finally, when the shells began falling close, the “Dunraven” stopped and abandoned ship by the “panic party.” The ship was then being heavily shelled, and on fire aft. In the meantime the submarine closed to 400 yards distant, partly obscured from view by the dense clouds of smoke issuing from the “Dunraven's” stern. Despite the knowledge that the after magazine must inevitably explode if he waited, and further, that a gun and gun's crew lay concealed over the magazine, Captain Campbell decided to reserve his fire until the submarine had passed clear of the smoke. A moment later, however, a heavy explosion occurred aft, blowing the gun and the gun's crew into the air, and accidentally starting the fire-gongs at the remaining gun positions; screens were immediately dropped, and the only gun that would bear opened fire, but the submarine, apparently frightened by the explosion, had already commenced to submerge. Realising that a torpedo must inevitably follow, Captain Campbell ordered the surgeon to remove all wounded and conceal them in cabins; hoses were also turned on the poop, which was a mass of flames. A signal was sent out warning men-of-war to divert all traffic below the horizon in order that nothing should interrupt the final phase of the action. Twenty minutes later a torpedo again struck the ship abaft the engine-room. An additional party of men were again sent away as a “panic party,” and left the ship to outward appearances completely abandoned, with the White Ensign flying and guns unmasked. For the succeeding fifty minutes the submarine examined the ship through her periscope. During this period boxes of cordite and shells exploded every few minutes, and the fire on the poop still blazed furiously. Captain Campbell and the handful of officers and men who remained on board lay hidden during this ordeal. The submarine then rose to the surface astern, where no guns could bear and shelled the ship closely for twenty minutes. The enemy then submerged and steamed past the ship 150 yards off, examining her through the periscope. Captain Campbell decided then to fire one of his torpedoes, but missed by a few inches. The submarine crossed the bows and came slowly down the other side, whereupon a second torpedo was fired and missed again. The enemy observed it and immediately submerged. Urgent signals for assistance were immediately sent out, but pending arrival of assistance Captain Campbell arranged for a third “panic party” to jump overboard if necessary and leave one gun's crew on board for a final attempt to destroy the enemy, should he again attack. Almost immediately afterwards, however, British and American destroyers arrived on the scene, the wounded were transferred, boats were recalled and the fire extinguished. The “Dunraven” although her stern was awash, was taken in tow, but the weather grew worse, and early the following morning she sank with colours flying. (The award of the Victoria Cross to Lieutenant Charles George Bonner, D.S.C., Royal Naval Reserve was announced in London Gazette No. 30363, dated the 2nd November 1917.). DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS,: GAZETTE ISSUE 30194, DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS, The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the undermentioned to receive the Distinguished Service Cross for services in actions with enemy submarines.