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Margaret Mary Delaney

World War II · US Navy Reserve · Petty Officer Third Class

Rank: Petty Officer Third Class
United States of America
Margie Delaney in USN.jpgAdded by: rickdriesbach49PO Margaret Delaney
Margie and Dad 1943.jpgAdded by: rickdriesbach49Margie and her father (Gabriel J. Delaney) 1943
Marge & Girlfriendsv2.jpgAdded by: rickdriesbach49Peggy Deal, Marge Delaney, Mary Kulp
Marge and WAC friends1.jpgAdded by: rickdriesbach49Margie (r) and WAVE friends
Marge and WAC friends 3.jpgAdded by: rickdriesbach49Margie (Left) and WAVE friends
Marg and WAC Friends 2.jpgAdded by: rickdriesbach49Margie (2nd from left) and WAVE friends