Viet Cong Tunnels and Caves›Vietnamese Villages, Huts and Training
- Publication:
- US, Photographs of Marine Corps Activities in Vietnam - (B/W), 1962-1975
- Category:
- Viet Cong Tunnels and Caves
- Browse Subject:
- Vietnamese Villages, Huts and Training
- Subject Description:
- Vietnamese Villages, Huts and Training (mockups in US, at Quantico and Camp Pendleton)
- Date:
- 3 Aug 1967
- Place:
- Camp Pendleton, California
- Photo ID:
- A354718
- NARA Reference Number:
- 127-GVB-365A-A354718
- Conflict Period:
- Vietnam War
View the actual high resolution document.
About US, Photographs of Marine Corps Activities in Vietnam - (B/W), 1962-1975
U.S. Defense Department photographs of activities in Vietnam, 1962-75, including equipment, facilities, officials, soldiers, Vietnamese civilians, among others.
Source Information
Forces War Records, US, Photographs of Marine Corps Activities in Vietnam - (B/W), 1962-1975 ( : accessed 5 Dec 2024), database and images,
- Publication Title
- US, Photos - Vietnam Marine Corps (B/W), 1962-1975
- Total Records
- 14,817 Complete: 100%
- Content Source
- The National Archives
- Record Group
- 127
- Published on Forces War Records
- 18 September 2008
- Last Updated
- 19 September 2008
Related Records
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