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World War I


52M+ records

UK, British Army Lists, 1882-1962
Lists of individuals who served in the British Army from 1882-1962.
100% complete
Canada, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919
The Canadians were widely renowned for their effectiveness as field troops and served both on the western front and later in Russia against the Bolsheviks.
Ireland, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Pensioners' Discharge Documents, 1704-1924
Pensioners' certificates from the Royal Kilmainham Hospital in Ireland.
100% complete
UK, WWI, Silver War Badge, 1914-1920
The Silver War Badge was issued in the United Kingdom to service personnel who had been honourably discharged due to wounds or sickness during World War I.
UK, Absent Voter Lists WWI (Images), 1918-1925, 1939
Absent Voter Lists of servicemembers 1918-1925 who voted by proxy as separate registrants abroad under their home constituencies. There are a few pages from 1939 in this group.
100% complete
UK, Absent Voters Lists WWI (Index only)
An act of parliament, The Representation of the People Act 1918, was passed to reform the electoral system in Great Britain and Ireland.
UK, AIR20 Air Ministry Papers, 1915-1922
 Branch folders accumulated by the Air Historical Branch and unregistered papers from British Forces in the Middle East relating to operations, intelligence etc., mainly in 1915 to 1922, and from the Sudan Defence Force 1920 to 1939.
UK, Airmen Died in the Great War, 1914-1918
This collections contains records of all British and Commonwealth airmen who died during WWI.
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UK, American Airmen WWI
Before the United States entered WWI many Americans volunteered to serve in the armed forces of Great Britain and France.
UK, Army List, 1914
The official published Lists are often one of the best ways to trace an officer's career in the British Services.
UK, Army List, 1916
The official published Lists are often one of the best ways to trace an officer's career in the British Services.
UK, Army List, 1918
The official published Lists are often one of the best ways to trace an officer's career in the British Services.
UK, Army List, April 1915
The official published Lists are often one of the best ways to trace an officer's career in the British Services.
UK, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages and Burials in UK and Overseas Garrisons, 1813-1957
This collection contains registrations of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, banns, and burials for individuals who served in the British military, including those stationed overseas. This collection is unique in that the original records were recorded by military chaplains. Because of this, the collection combines the level of detail you find in parish records with the uniformity of civil registrations.
100% complete
UK, British Army Court Martials Records, 1914-1950
A court martial deals with crimes committed by a person in one of the armed services.
UK, British Army Recipients of the Military Medal, 1914-1920
Instituted on 25th March 1916 (and backdated to 1914), the Military Medal (M.M.) was awarded to personnel of the British Army and other services, and formerly also to personnel of other Commonwealth countries, below commissioned rank
UK, British Jewry Book of Honour, 1914-1918
The British Jewry Book of Honour was published in 1922 in London to permanently record and honour the contribution made by the 50,000 Jews who served in the British and colonial forces during World War I.
UK, British Jewry Book of Honour, 1914-1918
Contributing book of the 50,000 Jews who served in the British forces in WWI.
100% complete
UK, British Military Discharge Indexes, 1921-1971
These lists comprise the names and service numbers of those who were discharged from the armed forces after 1920 and born before 1901.
100% complete
UK, British Red Cross & Order of St John Enquiry List, 1917
Records from centres recording those who went missing or were wounded during WW1